Friday, 19 August 2011

Walsall Arboretum User Group - Annual General Meeting

Walsall Arboretum User Group are holding their AGM on Tuesday, September 13th at 7pm in the Church Hall, Rushall Parish Church, Leigh Road, Walsall.
Anyone who is interested in the work of the Group is welcome to attend.

Scarecrow Search

Over 300 children, together with their families, visited the Woodland Wildlife Garden to take part in the Scarecrow Search which proved to be a very popular event for children of all ages. The winner of the prize Scarecrow was Wyatt Perry of Brownhills.

Winner of the Prize Scarecrow Wyatt Perry with his friend Louis Alcock

Success for Jordan White and Poppy - at last they have found Scarecrow 'Reggie'!

                                                          Hooray, we have found Humpty!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Woodland Garden Children's Scarecrow Trail

If you visit the Garden between 2pm - 4pm on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August you can take part in our special 'Scarecrow Trail'. A free activity for children aged 4-12 years.

  • Can you find the scarecrows hidden in the garden? They all have names and numbers.
  • List them and use the first letter of each name to identify the mystery plant!
For further details ring 01922 627354
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