Thursday, 16 February 2012

Work Progress in the Arboretum

As from today The Walsall Arboretum User Group Blog will be receiving regular updates from Louise Harris the Arboretum Projects Manager at Walsall Council. Hopefully these updates will help keep people informed of the work going on in the Arboretum itself. Any comments would be appreciated.

Work on restoring the historic park bandstand and Grade 2 listed boathouse is nearing completion and will conclude the third phase of work in Restoration Programme.  The major landscape programme, Phase 4 is well underway and improvements are being delivered throughout the historic core of the park. Inevitably as work is carried out there are footpath closures and disruption to certain areas, however the park remains open and visitors are encouraged to come and see the transformation of the park in action.  The contract is due to be completed in June 2012, and visitors will be able to appreciate the restored park throughout the summer.  The final phase of work – the building of a park visitor centre is due to be commence later this year and be completed in 2013.

Louise Harris - Project Manager

Thursday, 2 February 2012

'Walsall Wassail'

On Sunday January 22nd the tranquility of Walsall Arboretum was broken by the noise of drums and clattering pots and pans when, following a tree-planting ceremony in the Community Orchard, a traditional orchard wassailing took place.

This involved the driving away of 'evil spirits' and toasting the health of the trees with offerings of cider-soaked toast to encourage growth and a good autumn harvest. The ceremony was conducted by tree warden Shelley Griffiths and the musical accompaniment to the Wassail Songs was provided by local resident Rob Poole.

Following the ceremonial ritual, residents whose properties overlook the orchard together with Tree Wardens, enjoyed a communal 'get-together'. All who attended were treated to a variety of apple/pear-based cakes made by the residents and washed down with mulled cider made from local apples supplied by Richard Pollard.

It was generally agreed that this was a great opportunity for residents to learn about the Orchard, enjoy a 'neighbourly 'get together' and continue this ancient British tradition.
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