Saturday, 23 June 2012

Gallery Garden Opens

Sunshine greeted the guests invited to celebrate the opening of this new feature on Wednesday, 20th June 2012. The Garden was 'officially declared open' by the Mayor and Mayoress Councillor and Mrs. Anson who together with  the Chief Executive and Leader of the Council viewed the completed displays. These included a specially designed 'Show Garden Feature' produced by students from the Cedars Horticultural Unit of Wolverhampton College, a variety of art work on show in the new display cases, a sculptured wooden seat and, as a special attraction for the opening day, a selection of unique sculptures crafted by local artists.

The Garden is now open to all and will, we hope, be enjoyed by those who visit.


Thursday, 7 June 2012

Jubilee Planting - more photos from the day

There are more photos on Flickr (follow the link on the right)

Jubilee Tree Planting

On Jubilee Day, Tuesday 5th June 2012, over 60 people attended the planting of 2 final trees in what is to be known as Jubilee Walk (formerly King George VI Avenue). The new Walk is situated in the entrance to Walsall Arboretum off The Crescent and Sutton Road.

60 sweet chestnut trees have been planted in total to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

The "topping off" ceremony, organised by Walsall Tree Wardens, was sponsored by The Rotary Club of Walsall. The final 2 trees were planted by Rotary President Roy Quinton.

Refreshments (including Jubilee themed cakes) were supplied by the Inner Wheel Club of Walsall led by its President Barbara Cattell.

Getting ready for the planting

Rotary President Roy Quinton (left) planting one of the trees

Roy Quinton presenting a cheque to Tree Wardens Jackie Cocken and Jo Lester
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