Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Autumn Colour

Autumn is my favourite season in the Arboretum. Although the trees remind us of approaching winter they lift our hearts and spirits with a spectacular display of warming colour. Who could fail to wonder at the show or not appreciate why we must continue to plant trees that will thrill the younger generation in years to come? The Arboretum User Group is proud of its record tree-planting success over the past few years in the main park, extension and community orchard.
Below are a few shots of autumn colour currently showing in the park.

Michael Cocken   - Secretary AUG.


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Pumpkin Plod

On Sunday October 28th the Pumpkin Plod, in aid of St. Giles Hospice, was held in the Arboretum.
As part of the walk the 'plodders' visited the Woodland Learning Garden where they took part in a Halloween themed competition.
Participants of all ages were suitably attired and the Garden Volunteers had arranged for 'Grizelda' and 'Igor the Orrible' to be present!

Featured below are some photos of the 'colourful' visitors to the Garden.

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